So on August 22nd, I took an injury at work.
I got my left foot caught under a heavy all-metal fixture and unable to get my foot free in time, I pitched forward and slammed my face against a nearby desk before falling to my hands and knees with my foot still caught.
At first, the doctors diagnosed the injury as a ‘contusion’ and my busted lip (from hitting my face against the desk) had to be stitched back together and I thus started my recovery in a non-weight-bearing state with my left foot swollen and bruised in a flipflop sandal strap pattern and my lip swollen and stitched.
Four weeks passed and the worst of the acute swelling disappeared and my foot ‘unlocked’ itself from the dropped position it was stuck into after the injury and I was able to finally very carefully heel touch. However, I was still unable to toe touch, weight-bearing was extremely painful, I had lost sensation in parts of my foot, and my foot still swelled regularly if it wasn’t elevated and all of this continued into six weeks.
At the six week mark, though previous x-rays showed nothing too serious besides the swelling, the doctor ordered an MRI and sure enough…